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Ensuring your organisation is investment ready can require a comprehensive review and redesign of your governance, corporate structures, Board processes and committee mandates, major projects, legal and commercial drivers, risk management and risk strategies.  We look at the full picture to ensure your organisation is set up to attract and enable investment from Government, philanthropists and private investors or Foundations. 


If you are not sure where to start, we can offer a full audit of your current Constitution, governance structures and key funding and contractual relationships and help you to figure out where to next.


We can help your business through the delivery and implementation of major projects, capital and infrastructure projects, transactions and collaborations including joint ventures, complex investment structures and negotiations with stakeholders including Government, private investors, funds and foundations and individual donors.


Setting up major funding agreements, commercial relationships and new projects can place a heavy toll on your workforce, who may be struggling to manage business as usual. We can help by seeing through your stretch projects from conception to completion and working with your existing team to ensure full buy-in and ownership of significant business projects.


We work with a broad range of organisations to help to design and consolidate their corporate structures including foundations, endowments and investment funds. See more about this work in "Foundations and Funds". 


Major change or strategic initiatives can place additional demands on Boards, directors and committees. Sometimes a rethink of your major governance structures and setup can help to enable quicker and cleaner decision-making, robust processes and improve confidence and coherence in the delivery of major strategy.


Working with and alongside Boards and the executive team to bridge the gap between governance and execution is often best facilitated by external and neutral advisors who are not constrained by the complex dynamic and conflicts of interest which can hamper efficient decisions.


A proper assessment, evaluation and resolution of business and operational risk should not be an onerous or never ending process. Many risk experts operate with a top-down approach to risk, where only Board members and executive teams are ever involved or engaged. We work with individual teams, junior staff and all office staff to identify and fix areas of risk on the ground. This approach creates tremendous buy-in and agency, demystifies risk and ensures that immediate steps can be taken to make addressing risks, part of business as usual.


Operational risk and strategic risk are often muddled together and become seemingly impossible to deal with. We can help categorise and address risk with your major internal and external stakeholders, to ensure you are consistently addressing key areas throughout your operational plan.

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